Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Flash Mob - Father's Day

A very big Thank You to every one who braved the rain to turn out for the Father's Day Flash Mob Event in Gloucester Green, Oxford.

We had over a hundred Dads, children & families throughout the afternoon and fun was had by all.

Zoe from Hill End Outdoor Centre made animal tracks and sand/mud kitchen...

Dr Jan from BBC's Bang Goes The Theory demonstarted some of his Street Science Activities....

Felipe The Bubble Man enthralled everyone with his amazing bubbles !

Dates for the Diary - Lollibop Festival 16,17,18 August

Now going into its fourth year, LolliBop remains the UK’s biggest ever festival for kids. It’s designed to delight mini festival goers, providing the best summer day out for under 10s and their families.

LolliBop will once again host an array of amazing areas, jam packed with unique activities which will allow you and your children to learn and play the day away. You won’t believe just how much there is to enjoy and experience in one place.

Click on this link for a Trailer of this year's event :

For further Info and the Official Lollibop Website click on the link :


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

The Fathers Champions Network

# Are you a Father, Grandfather, Step Father, Uncle or male carer ?

# Are you interested in finding out about Fatherhood issues ?

# Would you like to promote awareness of Fatherhood ?

# Do you work with Fathers and families ?

# Would you like to know what services and facilities are available for Fathers throughout  the County ?


If you have answered yes to any of the above then you are welcome to join us at the next Fathers Champions Network Meeting which is to be held on

WEDNESDAY 17th JULY from  10.15 until 12.15 

It will be held at

Mortimer Room
Rose Hill & Littlemore Children's Centre
Ashhurst Way
01865 716739
Topics for discussion will include 

Up to date news on events, programs and groups for Fathers.

Young Fathers Group

Man Enough.

Dads Outdoors.

If you would require any further information about this meeting or would like to be included on the Fathers Champions Mailing List to be kept up to date with news and events then please contact   or call Glen on 07796 677960

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Date For The Diary - Thur 25th July - Dads Top Tips Session

         'Top Tips Workshop for all Male Carers'.
This is our 8th session  which will be followed by further monthly workshops to be decided upon within the group.
This evenings workshop has the specific dad targeted topic of...
It will be held on Thursday 25th July from 7.30-9.30pm 
at The Family Room, Grandpont Children's Centre, Whitehouse Rd, OX1 4QH