Thursday, 24 December 2015

On behalf of Oxondads we would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

"Thanks to Fathers Work..." An ongoing video project that highlights the importance of working with dads.

To highlight the importance of fathers work and what it means to dads and their families, Oxondads have been asking dads to comment on their experiences from using their local services, the majority provided by Childrens' Centres, and how they have benefited from attending such groups as SaturDads & Disco Dadz.

Thank you very much to Jose a dad from Grandpont Childrens Centre for participating.

We think this news story will be of interest to our visitors. However, please note it is from another source and does not necessarily represent the views of Oxondads.  If you would like to comment on this article please click on the "No Comments" below or alternatively E-Mail

Guest post from Chris Sewell on behalf of Save Oxfordshire's Children's Centre Campaign

From Save Oxfordshire’s Children’s centres Campaign:
The Department of Education's Children's Centres Impact Study was published yesterday.
Unsurprisingly Oxfordshire County Council did not want to wait for this highly regarded report's favourable findings on the country's children's centres to be released before making a decision on Oxfordshire's children's centres....

The full report is available here:
From the report

"Organised activities, such as 'Stay and Play' sessions where parents and their children played and learned songs, were linked to small but significant reductions in parenting stress, improvements in mothers’ health, and better learning environments in the children's own homes.
Children's centres operate in disadvantaged neighbourhoods to provide a wide range of services tailored to local conditions and needs, but they are also intended to target the most vulnerable families. The Oxford study shows children’s centres with the best funding and staffing levels did reach families in ‘most need’ – the poorest households and families with dysfunctional parent-child relationships"

We think this news story will be of interest to our visitors. However, please note it is from another source and does not necessarily represent the views of Oxondads.  If you would like to comment on this article please click on the "No Comments" below or alternatively E-Mail

Dads Guide to Surviving Xmas !
