Saturday, 30 January 2016

"Thanks to Fathers Work..." An ongoing video project that highlights the importance of working with dads.

To highlight the importance of fathers work and what it means to dads and their families, Oxondads have been asking dads to comment on their experiences from using their local services, the majority provided by Childrens' Centres, and how they have benefited from attending such groups as SaturDads & Disco Dadz.

Thank you very much to Aaron, a dad from Grandpont Childrens' Centre for participating.

We think this news story will be of interest to our visitors. However, please note it is from another source and does not necessarily represent the views of Oxondads.  If you would like to comment on this article please click on the "No Comments" below or alternatively E-Mail

Dad to a Teenager - Can you help with this Research ?



You are invited to participate in an exciting research project which wants to hear your views on the findings from a parenting study – and gives you the opportunity to add your own experiences of fathering teenage children to this project. Before you decide if you want to participate it is important for you to understand why this research project is being undertaken and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully.

What is the purpose of the project?
This project wants to find out about your experiences of being a father and also to collect your opinions on specific examples of data collected in earlier parenting projects. To find out about these things you will be invited to join an event to be held at Oxford Brookes University (the time and date to be agreed with participants). At this event you will join a small group of fellow fathers and invited to help the researcher (Dr Tina Miller) look at data she has collected about parenting and give your views about this. Following this you will be able to participate in a focus group and have your own experiences of being a father/parent recorded. Although there is a significant amount of research interest in fathering/parenting, it is unusual to involve parents themselves in the interpretation of ‘data’ which has been collected. You would be a pioneer in this type of research.

Do I have to take part?
It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part you will be asked to sign a consent form. You would be free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason.

What will happen to me if I take part?
I will contact you to check your availability in order to arrange the workshop you will attend (with a maximum of 10 parents per workshop). The project workshop will take place at Oxford Brookes University (or another location if more convenient) and will take up approximately 2 hours (all travel costs will be covered). Refreshments will be served. The project will begin with the project leader (Dr Tina Miller) giving an overview of her parenting research before asking you and the other participants to share your views on data on parenting experiences she has collected. This will be followed by you having the opportunity to add your experiences of being a parent to the data collected by Dr Miller by participating in a focus group.

What are the possible disadvantages of taking part?
The one possible disadvantage in taking part in the study is the time it will take to participate (approximately two hours).

What are the possible benefits of taking part?
In previous research participants have found the opportunity to talk about their parenting experiences enjoyable. The data collected in the focus group will contribute to future research on individual experiences of parenting. As a result of participating in one of the workshops you will be helping academic researchers think about how they collect and analyse their data. The workshops are a new initiative and your important help with these should inform and improve research practice.

Will what I say in this study be kept confidential?
All information given by the participants in the workshop and focus group will be kept confidential (within the limitations of the law). Your name will be changed so that you are not identifiable once the recorded interviews are typed up (transcribed). This also means you will not be identified in any reports or publications. Papers and tapes will be kept in a locked filing cabinet. Data collected during the study will be kept in accordance with the University’s policy on Academic Integrity. The data will also be kept securely in both paper and electronic form for a period of ten years.

Will any of the data collected be available to other researchers?
Parenting experiences are of current policy and research interest as family lives change. Because of this the anonymised data from this project may be placed in a data repository so that it can be used by future researchers studying the topic. The repository it would be archived in has been developed as part of the ‘Timescapes’ project based at Leeds University ( No one would be able to identify you if the data is archived in the repository, but your experiences would help future researchers to understand men’s and women’s everyday experiences of parenting.

What will happen to the results of the project?
The results of this phase of the study will be written up as academic papers and other publications. Presentations of the findings will be made at relevant seminars and conferences. I will also offer to provide workshop participants with a summary of the findings once this phase of the research is complete.

Who is organising and funding the research?
The project is being carried out by me, Dr Tina Miller, and I am a Professor of Sociology in the Department of Social Sciences in the Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences at Oxford Brookes University. The research is funded by The British Academy.

Who has reviewed the project proposal?
The University Research Ethics Committee at Oxford Brookes University has reviewed the study. If at any time you had any concerns about the way in which the research is being conducted, please contact the Chair of the University Research Ethics committee on:

Contact for Further Information
If you have any queries about the study, please contact me Dr. Tina Miller 01865 483764 or 07706898615 or email: or write to me at the above address.

Thank You
Many thanks for taking the time to read this Information sheet.

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Movember News - World Cancer Day 4th February

WCD 2016

4th February is World Cancer Day, and we're teaming up with Cancer Research UK, Breast Cancer Care and Anthony Nolan to show that together we CAN do something about cancer. By joining forces on this day, we can all play a part in transforming the lives of millions who are affected by the disease.

Movember Unity Band

Wear a Unity BandTM on World Cancer Day and join us on the road to beating cancer. They're available through our website or in stores around the UK. 

"Cancer is a hell of a word. When they break it to you, it feels like your world is falling apart." - Read Ben's story.

Donate Today
If a Unity BandTM isn't your thing, make a donation to help us continue what we've started. We're funding world-class programmes to save and improve the lives of men.



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Date for the Diary : 24th February - "How can we support parents and carers to empower their children to stay safe online?"

imagesChildren are spending more time than ever on the internet, but how safe are they? Cyberspace is full of potential dangers, from cyber
bullying and dodgy chat rooms to online grooming and internet porn. So how can we reduce these threats and ensure our children
stay safe online?

Our next seminar, How can we support parents and carers to empower their children to stay safe online?, will explore some of
these issues. Led by Jo Brown, the Anti-Bullying Coordinator for Oxfordshire County Council, the seminar will cover:

·        children_at_computer_in_classroom[1]Benefits and risks of children and young people using technology
·        Understand risk, including cyber bullying, inappropriate content and grooming
·        How parent/carers can support their children to keep safe online
·        How we can engage and support parent/carers
·        Signposting guidance, resources and support

When:           Wednesday 24th February 12.30pm-2pm
Where:          The Peeple Centre, Northfield Close, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 4NH
                        Free parking available. Light refreshments will be provided.
Cost:               OPF members £10; non-members £15

Book before 5th February and get 20% off!

This seminar is suitable for teachers, parenting practitioners, parents and carers.

Please feel free to pass this email and flyer on to anyone else who you feel might be interested.

Places must be booked in advance. Email to book or for further details.

We hope to see as many of you there as possible!

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Friday, 29 January 2016

29 January 2016 - Things To Do Over The Weekend, In & Around Oxfordshire

To find out what is on over the weekend via "Daily Info, Oxford" please click  HERE

To find out what is on over the weekend via "Oxford Mail " please click HERE

To find out what is on over the weekend via "Jack FM" please click HERE

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Thursday, 14 January 2016

"Thanks to Fathers Work..." An ongoing video project that highlights the importance of working with dads.

To highlight the importance of fathers work and what it means to dads and their families, Oxondads have been asking dads to comment on their experiences from using their local services, the majority provided by Childrens' Centres, and how they have benefited from attending such groups as SaturDads & Disco Dadz.

Thank you very much to Clint, a dad from Rosehill & Littlemore Childrens' Centre for participating.

We think this news story will be of interest to our visitors. However, please note it is from another source and does not necessarily represent the views of Oxondads.  If you would like to comment on this article please click on the "No Comments" below or alternatively E-Mail

Support for Families of Incarcerated Parents

This article is taken from Children Heard & Seen Website

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10 Ways to make Divorce Fairer for Fathers

Divorce can leave dads feeling cast adrift from family life

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Today is D-Day. The day when divorce lawyers are flooded with enquiries from couples who can’t stand the thought of spending another Christmas together.
In around 95pc of those cases, mums will retain custody of their children and be defined by the Child Maintenance Service as “the receiving parent”, while dads will become “the paying parent”.
In total, one million children in the UK have no significant contact with their fathers and by the time they reach 15, only 57pc of children are still living with their dads.

Divorced family
At a time when men are more hands-on with their kids than any previous generation, it seems separated fathers are still being sidelined from their children’s lives. So, here’s a list of 10 ways can we can make divorce and separation fairer for dads and their children.

1. End 'maternal gatekeeping'

Almost the entire focus of feminism, since Mary Wollstonecraft declared “let women share the rights and she will emulate the virtues of man” in 1792, has been about  “dismantling the patriarchy” and tackling “male privilege” to give women equality in the “masculine realm”.
What the world continues to overlook in its quest for gender equality is the areas where “matriarchy” and “patriarchy” conspire to disadvantage men.
"It’s a little known fact that in 2015, men still don’t have equal parental rights"
Glen Poole
Nowhere can female privilege be seen more clearly than in the “feminine realm” of parenting where, where, through a process known as “maternal gatekeeping”, women have the power to either cultivate or curtail the involvement of fathers in their children’s lives. If we are serious about gender equality then it requires every individual, organisation and institution in the country to become aware of the female privilege of maternal gatekeeping.
We must find ways to support mums who cultivate father involvement and challenge those women who curtail it.

2. Give Dads Equal Rights From Birth

It’s a little known fact that in 2015, men still don’t have equal parental rights. New mothers are given the right to make decisions about where their child lives, their education, religion and medical care. They are also have the privilege of deciding whether or not to grant those rights to the father of their child.
When a woman consents to marry a man, she grants him parental rights. When an unmarried woman allows a man’s name to be recorded on the birth certificate, she grants him parental rights. But if a new mum is unmarried and fails to name the father on the birth certificate, then dad has no parental rights.

UK birth certificate
The legislation to overturn this sexist law was drafted in 2008 and the Labour MP, David Lammy, is campaigning for dads to be given the same automatic parental rights as mums.

3. Close The Paternity Leave Gap

 Dads do not have an equal opportunity to take paid parental leavewhen their child is born and this forces most couples into unequal parenting arrangements – which acutely disadvantage dads who don't live with mums. This imbalance can be best seen in contrast with Sweden, where the state promotes a culture of shared parenting. Swedish dads who divorce and separate are three times more likely to share parenting than in the UK.
According to the Women’s Equality Party (WEP), the current system discriminates against dads, with most working mothers entitled to six weeks leave at 90pc of their full pay, while fathers get just two weeks paid at the statutory level of £139.58 a week. WEP is campaigning for longer, better-paid paternity leave with a proportion of parental leave set aside for dads on a “use or it lose it” basis.

Dads receive only two weeks paid paternity leave
Dads receive only two weeks statutory paid paternity leave CREDIT: AP
WEP also proposes the extension of parental leave to separated dads who aren’t living with their “baby-mother”. This is a radical proposal, but it isn’t made on the basis of “equal rights for dads”, rather it aligns with the feminist principle of “my baby my rights” and would give single mums the right, as maternal gatekeepers, to bequeath “partner leave” to any adult they wish to nominate at the time.

4. Stop The Fatherhood Tax

The UK benefits system has been designed in a way that makes it harder for separated dads to stay involved in their children’s lives. According the Centre for Social Justice, a couple earning £10,000 each, per year, would receive around £7,000 of benefits and tax credits and bring home £26,500 between them.
If they separate and continue to share parenting, with their child sleeping at dad’s 182 nights a year and with mum 183 nights a year, they would receive nearly £12,500 in benefits and tax credits between them and take home nearly £32,000.
"We believe the repeated, regular and wilful breaching of family contact orders is a form of controlling and coercive behaviour and falls under the new Serous Crime Act"
Mark Brooks, Chair of The ManKind Initiative
But here’s the crunch: a staggering 90pc of those benefits and credits would be paid directly to the mother. In addition, the dad would be required to pay his 10pc to the mother as child maintenance, plus an additional 50pc on top of that from his own pocket.
This is just one way our tax and benefits system makes it harder for separated dads to stay in their children’s lives. More broadly, research tells us that families in the poorest neighbourhoods are up to three times more likely to be fatherless, while separated dads find it easier to stay in contact with their children if they are home owners with multiple bedrooms and the resources to pay child maintenance.

5. Introduce The No Blame Divorce

One of the major problems with Family Law in England and Wales is that at a time when parents need help to work together for the sake of their children, the law requires them to apportion blame for the failure of their marriage. The introduction of a “no fault” or more accurately a “no blame” divorce would send a very clear message that divorce is time when the grown-up thing to do is to sit down together and resolve matters, not hide behind lawyers blaming each other.

6. Mediation and Early Intervention

Mediation has long been touted as a panacea to the problems caused by divorce and separation. As the saying goes, “jaw-jaw is always better than war-war” – but mediation is limited by the fact that while it can help parents to find a smoother path through an unfair and unequal system, it doesn’t do anything to address that inequality and unfairness.

Early divorce
One mediation model favoured by some campaigners is the “early intervention” scheme which is said to promote speedy resolutions by giving parents an early indication of a judge’s likely decision, were they to continue to take their fight through the courts.

7. Get Tough On Abusive Mums

One of the most common complaints of separated fathers is that mothers feel entitled to adopt the maternal gatekeeper role and interfere with the time that dads spend with their kids. This interference can range from imposing conditions about what the father can and can’t do with his child, to blocking or restricting “access” and in extreme cases alienating children against their father. (This can also happen to mothers who don’t have custody).
Some advocates for male victims of domestic violence, such as Mark Brooks, Chair of The ManKind Initiative, believe that more severe examples of this behaviour should be recognised as abuse. Mark says:
“We believe the repeated, regular and wilful breaching of family contact orders is a form of controlling and coercive behaviour and falls under the new Serous Crime Act. We have already had dads contact us about it. We would suggest that men in this situation keep a full record of all of these incidents and decide with their solicitors on any next steps bearing in mind this new law. We would expect a test case in the next 18 months on this.”

8. Modernise The Judiciary

When it comes to gender equality, the main problem with the “patriarchal” judiciary in England and Wales is said to be the fact that 75pc of judges are men. What nobody asks is what percentage of judges have personal experience of sharing the responsibility of parenting. How hands-on was their dad? What are their personal views about how involved dads should be as parents? How many judges support dads having equal opportunities as parents? How many acknowledge and seek to address the barriers that hinder a dad’s involvement in their children’s lives? How many take account of the role that maternal gatekeeping plays in both cultivating and curtailing involved fatherhood when they are passing judgement on how much involvement a dad should have in his children’s lives?

High court
If we want to reform the way family law operates in the UK, then one crucial step is to address the judiciary’s bias towards a family model of male breadwinners and female carers.

9. Strengthen Marriage and Relationships

While the best defence against divorce is to avoid getting married in the first place, it's important to note that married families are generally the most stable, with parents who tie the knot being less likely to separate. The idea of “socially engineering” family life by incentivising marriage through the tax system has become a politically divisive idea. Yet if we are to protect adults and children from the negative impacts of separation, we need to find ways to strengthen families and relationships that can garner support across the political spectrum.

10. Create a Culture of Shared Parenting

Many fathers’ rights campaigns believe that introducing a “presumption of shared parenting” is the key to family law reform. What this means is that, all things being equal, any dad who is willing and able to share custody of his children, should have a legal right to do so.
In reality, the courts cannot deliver this solution in isolation. As a nation we are strongly wedded to a parenting model of male breadwinners and female carers. According to the British Social Attitudes Survey, for example, 76pc of people think mums should stay at home or work part-time when they have kids, while 5pc think dads should do the same.

Divorced parents can still care for their kids equally
Divorced parents can still care for their kids equally CREDIT: ALAMY
The one carer/one breadwinner model of family life is held in place by a web of factors including: biological sex differences; psychological preferences; cultural beliefs and expectations; unequal parental rights; our unequal parental leave system; our tax and benefits system; the economy; corporate culture; and the behaviour of individual men and women.
Some equality campaigners believe the ultimate ideal is for mums and dads to share earning and caring responsibilities equally, irrespective of their personal preferences. A more equitable ideal, now that women in their 20s and 30s are earning as much as men, is to smash the matriarchy and give dads an equal opportunity to care for their kids – whether they are separated or not – just as we have "dismantled the patriarchy" to give women an equal opportunity to work.
Glen Poole is the news editor of online magazine insideMAN and author of the book Equality For Men 

This article is taken from The Telegraph Online

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