Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Fancy appearing on the TV ??


Men and fathers wanted for TV documentary

Testimony Films are making a major three part BBC4 series about Love and Marriage in Britain. It is a follow up to their acclaimed series A Century of Fatherhood (if you haven't already seen it, do take the time to watch - it's still available here on the BBC4 site). The programme makers want to sympathetically portray the experiences of men and fathers in successful marriages and long-term cohabitations which stand the test of time. The voices of men are rarely heard in programmes on relationships. It is REALLY IMPORTANT that the programme makers get to redress the balance.

Testimony Films are looking for men to contribute to one of the programmes which explores the challenges couples faced from the 1980s to the present day. It explores how romantic love often changes - and deepens- after the realities of a lifetime commitment. How would you describe the love you felt for your partner when you first got together, after three years, when you had your children and now? How did your love change and mature while you both pursued careers, raised a family, coped with money worries or illness? Perhaps there was a breakdown of communication, sexual problems or an extra marital affair? The programme is especially interested in any dramatic story that may have brought you closer together as a couple.

In the 1980s many couples rejected marriage for cohabitation, and in the 1990s saw cohabitation as a trial for marriage. After some years, perhaps after decades, some did get married: if this is your experience the team would really like to hear your story and whether being married changed or did not change your experience of love and commitment.

If you have been through divorce, what is the story of how you found love again? What were your expectations of a long term relationship second time round? How did you find the reality of love and remarriage/re-partnering, once, twice, three times? What are the challenges of love and passion within an extended step-family?

The programme makers would also be interested in any woman who wanted to contribute to her man’s story as well. They can offer a small fee of £100, plus expenses, as well as a copy of the programme, to anyone they film.

Please email Pete Vance or Emily Sivyer at Testimony Films, 12 Great George St, Bristol BS1 5RS or call them on 0117 925 8589.

The Fatherhood Institute, Unit 5 Warren Courtyard, Savernake, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 3UU

Phone 0845 6341328

Registered charity number 1075104 Company number 3709549

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