Tuesday, 30 October 2012

October - Dads Group Focus - Witney Children's Centre

PACT Witney Children's Centres
Radford Room West                   Witney School Site
High Street Methodist Church    Edington Road
Witney                                        Deer Park
OX28 6HG                                  Witney  OX28 5FZ
01993 774721                         01993 771298

Twilight Dads Group                   2nd & 4th Saturday of the month
Every Monday 4.00 - 5.30           09.30 - 11.30
 Yonit Sapwell who runs the Dads Group
Your Name : Yonit Sapwell

Name of Children’s Centre :Witney Children’s centre

When does your Dads Group meet ? Monday’s 4-5.30pm Twilight Dad’s in the Radford room & Saturdad’s 9.30 – 11.30 2nd & 4TH Saturday of the month @ West Witney site.  We also have a Working Parents Group on the 1st Saturday of the month – this is for Mum’s and Dad’s who often don’t get the opportunity to attend groups because of working patterns.

What can the Dads and their children do at your Group ? Opportunity to meet other dad’s and experience a variety of activities including messy play, BBQ ‘s, craft, singing and much more.

What do they enjoy the most ? Having special 1to1 time with their child  in a social setting with other like-minded dad’s. 

Why is Dads work important to you and what do you enjoy most about it? I enjoy seeing children interacting with their Dad in a fun way and strongly believe that dad’s have just as important role in a family or child’s life as a  mother. I think dad’s are often forgotten about and a lot of emphasis is put on the mum from when she falls pregnant and then it shifts to the child . I’d love to see dad’s included / welcomed  in every part of the family life.

Which Father Figure (fact/fiction/past/present) do you admire the most and why ? My husband Paul,as he has actively involved himself in every area of parenting from day 1. Our children  definitely see him as the  fun one but also look up to him as a role model and the person at the heart of our family who always seems to make everything right. 

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