Being A Dad ! It's not ALL about Mums
Brand new in our Work+Family Space
As Ben Black remarks in his article on the year ahead: 'there will never be
equality in the workplace until there is equality at home. There will never be
equality at home until mothers learn to give up a bit of control and dads roll
their sleeves up and stop being macho.'
But we are getting there... over 80% of working fathers take time off at
their baby's birth and 2012 saw change in the legislation over shared parental
leave. Nick Clegg may not have got his way completely, but change is undeniably
afoot. So in 2013 it's not unreasonable to hope that the debate and discussion
might start to be about 'working parents' not just working mums.
Engaging the dads in your organisation
My Family Care have created a new section within the
Help Centre of our Work+Family Space, designed to help
fathers stay engaged with their workplaces, while dealing with the joys and
challenges of family life.
Developed in partnership with the Fatherhood
Institute, Being a
Dad gives fathers in your organisation all the information they need about
coping with pregnancy, babies, childcare, relationships and the important role
that fathers play in child development.
Engage some of your male stars as dads rather than men and you might be
amazed at some of the positive side effects.
To find out more about Being a Dad contact
Angela Stalker on
or complete our enquiry form.
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