Monday 7 January 2013

Meeting for Dads & Male Carers 14th January 10.00am - East Oxford

How to survive being a new dad

How to survive being a new dad

Like Prime Minister David Cameron, Stuart Derrick at 43 years of age is not a novice when it comes to looking after children.

He and his wife already have a son aged three. A few months ago, they had their second child - another son.

Stuart's recently-written advice booklets for the National Childbirth Trust aim to help other new fathers adjust to their role.

But despite his experience, Stuart says it is still a shock to be thrown back into caring for a newborn baby.

Stuart and his youngest son Alex
"You know you need the money and have to go to work and, if you are honest, you are glad to step away from the chaos for a bit”

"You tend to forget just how hard it is. I presumed that as a second-time dad it would be a walk in the park.

For the full Article click here :

Wednesday 2 January 2013